Sunday, May 20, 2012

Are Women As Concerned with Pleasing Men as Men to Women?

I'd say the number one male fear is of early orgasm.  That is, premature ejaculation.  Of course, unless you're a super hero type male, this means you'll stop engaging in [presumably] sexual intercourse and she will go forward without becoming even halfway gloriously undone.

The assumption: your penis is what will make her orgasm, is perhaps endemic to the fear of premature ejaculation, but I'm thinking it is more about power and status--real men don't come early, and men who come quickly are not worthy of being with the partner they are with, because she's not getting as pleased as he is, and definitely not getting please quickly.

Thing is, guys, I know that, being a guy, having the pressure of making her orgasm through intercourse alone is entirely suffocating and unrealistic.   So there's a problem.  Plenty of women are having regular intercourse out there sans the orgasm (whatever you may think, this number is shockingly high, so the chance that she's faking with you, especially if you're only using one of your appendages, is correspondingly high).

But I'm wondering if women think they have to please guys as much as guys think they have to please women.  And I'm wondering as well what it is that's synonymous with premature ejaculation.

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