Sunday, August 7, 2011


It seems obvious to me, as I watch other people smoke, and thinking about my own smoking in the past, that smoking allows fantasy.  It connects us with a perception of ourselves that is higher, different, exotic, and better, in some way.  It is fundamentally and squarely within the pleasure of now, of exuding image.  It goes without saying that smoking is highly addictive chemically.   Anyway, I wanted to connect this capacity for consumption and the ability to transport ourselves mentally.  I wonder why it is such a severe instinct, to distinguish ourselves to ourselves.  I think we're delusional half the time we're walking around, half the time we desire objects like this, consumptive objects.  I know that I can be compulsively delusional in this respect, and cigarettes are just the beginning.  Anyway, these habits, these little asides, mini-dreams, can provide us with the fodder, the hope, to work hard, I think, but this type of motivation is limited, and has the potential to convolute our other objectives.

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