Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Wrapping Your Head Around A Theme..Specificity

I'm not sure if other people are like this, but I feel a lot of emotions in a very abstract way.  But they are thick heavy emotions that can take control over me, manifest themselves physically at times, and generally change the very color of the world around me.  It has always been the case with me, and I've always thought that other people have this too.  I might be wrong.  I don't know.  The point is only this: if I hope to have any peace with myself, I must describe how it is I feel, how I perceive things, as accurately as possible, with enough specificity to make those things full and honest and real, and with enough concreteness to keep them grounded.  In short, I have to push myself to seek not just accuracy, or details, but that "something" more that I've always felt, and always struggled trying to communicate.  Once I can get a handle on that admittedly abstract thing, I know I'll feel better, a little more sane.  And of course, I'll want to get a handle on more of it, to keep going.  That's the funny thing about completing any such project.  It keeps going in new forms.  It can never really settle.

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