Saturday, February 18, 2012

Forgiveness is Funny.

To forgive, we essentially ignore the hungry tiger of emotions within us and sort of pardon someone else, that is, irrationally, in both an emotional and intellectual sense.  We allow a disgrace, a stubble of pain, or other harm or injustice to stand. To forgive, we overlook and we decide to move beyond.  To forgive we find a way to come to terms with whatever schism was, and come together anew.

Here's the funny part.

We do it without knowing whether our empathy will be treated with respect.  We do it blindly.  It is very difficult because of this.  Then again, if all actions were sure bets, there would be no conflict in the first place.

Actually it is very freeing to fully forgive someone in a selfless manner.  It isn't easy, but it does feel good once it is done.

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