Sunday, February 12, 2012

Shampoo Free.

So for about 2 weeks I've been washing my hair with a very weak solution of baking soda and water (like a small spoon of baking soda to 1 cup of water), and I've found it to be very satisfying, as far as shampoo/no shampoo goes, in that I have less greasy hair (I've always suffered from greasy hair, so much so that I cannot go without washing it one day), more manageable hair, and less dandruff.  In fact, I have almost no dandruff.  I'll continue to do this for a good long time, perhaps the rest of my life.  It is insanely cheap, too.

Dare I count up the cost of shampoo thus far in my life?

Well, here's a small simple table.

Keep in mind, people probably spend much more on other products, like conditioner, and styling and whatnot.


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